Friday, September 9, 2011
Why I said, "YES"... to the Adventure of Life
Life is an Adventure!
Before sharing the details of my "life is an adventure" reflection, I want to acknowledge that in some ways I was born with this philosophy. From early childhood I can remember thinking that life was a magical, mystical adventure. And in my life, I have also had my share of doubts, fear, pain, despair, and even wishing I could just die. Yes, the pain in my life has been so deep that there have been times I wanted to cash in my chips and go home. "I am done. I can't find a way out of this pain. Take me home!"
But every time I have reached that depth of pain, there has been something inside of me that keeps driving me from within to remember the magic. It reminds me that living life is a gift and to find the adventure in everything. Every time I have climbed out of the deep hole and I have said YES to Life, there is more joy, more expansion and the return of the magic of life.
When faced with:
An illness, I ask myself, "What can I learn?"
An eviction process. "What is my soul calling me to do or to be?"
A trip to Denver. "How can I expand and share myself in my full essence and see the essence of everyone I meet?"
Asking the questions, opens my mind, my heart, my experience to reach into deeper places within me.
I was reminded of this idea, "Life is an Adventure," in two conversations recently. I was talking with someone who travels a lot. We were talking about getting to the airport early. And I shared that I like getting here early because it gives me more time for the adventure. When I have extra time, I am more relaxed and in the moment with what is happening. A delay in the baggage screening gives me more time to look around and see people. Waiting in line is a way to have a conversation or look into the eyes of another person and smile, instead of just pushing forward. Or I get a cup of coffee. Look out the windows to see the land outside of the airport. I watch the crews that are loading the airplanes with suitcases. I listen and engage in conversations. I have time to reflect, read a magazine, or close my eyes, feel the love in my heart and radiate that into the airport. I live life in the moment.
In the conversation, I shared how flying is another adventure. Her response, "I fly too much for it to be an adventure." And she rushed off to her next appointment, I was feeling sad for her. How sad that flying is no longer an adventure. If there had been more time I would have shared with her that everything is an adventure to me. "Enjoy the adventure" is an attitude.
If we had more time, I would have shared how several times a week I walk a mile to Trader Joe's and it is always an adventure. Who will I meet along the walk? What is blooming in the gardens? What does the sky look like today? When I enter Trader Joe's I head to the back corner for a sample cup of coffee and a sample of food. I wonder, what will the sample be today? I have my grocery list in my hand, but I always take a few minutes to look at the food that is highlighted in different areas of the store. Is there a new food that is calling to me? A bread, a fruit, or something exotic?
On the way home I continue to open my eyes and see what words pop out from a sign, a bus passing me. I feel the gratitude of the walk, the bags filled with food and the opportunity to walk to the store. I stop for a few minutes and I breathe in the beauty of the mountains, the trees, the sun. I look at everything with childlike wonder and fresh eyes.
It is so great to be alive!
This week, James Twyman sent a video called The Three Secrets of Being the Change.
Secret #1 is Just Say, YES!
If you want to Be The Change, just say, "YES!" If you want to shift things in your life, listen to your heart and say YES!
Andrea Hylen is a Life Energy Coach specializing in Grief Transformation, founder of Heal My Voice, a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and co-author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life. Her next book: Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip will be published in 2012. Her greatest desire is to inspire people to live a deeper, richer life as leaders of their own lives and to connect with people for deeper conversations.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Why I said, "YES"... Quiet the Mind and Take Baby Steps
(Originally written by Andrea Hylen for the Living on the Edge Blog on February 12, 2011)
Stuart Mooney, a scientist and a Buddhist wrote on his blog that the great awakening has arrived. Between Feb 11, 2011 and Oct 28, 2011, we will all wake up!
I have been waiting all of my life for this moment in time. All over the planet there is an awakening and an inner shift that is calling us to move from the mind to the heart. To move from a linear thinking to a wisdom spoken by and through the heart. I feel like finally I can be a round peg and I don’t have to fit into a square hole. I can be myself and allow other people to be themselves.
In this time of awakening we are all reminded to quiet the mind, listen for our inner wisdom, and take action in baby steps. It can be exciting and scary bringing waves of grief, as we let go. There can be discomfort as things are always shifting. I feel this way every day, do you?
I listened to Jo Dunning, a healer, last night as she talked about the shift that is happening. She reminded us to quiet the mind and cultivate gratitude and trust. For example, An event has already happened. Now how do we respond.
Here are some quotes from the interview:
"We very seldom get the big picture. We usually get the next baby step and then the next baby step. Occasionally, we may think we have the next picture and we find ourselves moving towards it, only to find it was just the way to get us moving so something else could be the opportunity for us. Tune into the guidance and then take action on this deep knowing."
It takes tremendous courage to be on a spiritual path. You can do it! Quiet the mind…take baby steps.
Andrea Hylen is the Founder of Heal My Voice,
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Why I said, "YES"...a Day in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma City: An Example of Peace on Earth
Oklahoma City: An example of Peace on Earth by Andrea Hylen
(This was originally published in Beloved World- Voices of Peace Newsletter Sept 2008)
July 7, 2008 - A journal entry
By spending the morning and the evening at the Oklahoma City Memorial, I feel that my life has been touched in a profound way. I sit here staring at the blank page feeling the stillness, not knowing how to capture this experience in words.
A field of empty chairs represents the lives lost on April 19, 1995. My heart felt like it was bursting open when I first entered the Memorial Gateway. Tears ran down by cheeks, as I opened to the emotion. I felt like my heart was bursting with love and gratitude. Love and gratitude? This took me by surprise. I found out later that the entrance we walked through was the Door of Hope. And that is what I felt.
Through the tragedy of loss, the powerful emotions of forgiveness, healing, hope and love have arisen here. Beginning with the people who responded with help immediately, to those who came from afar, to the words of love from children, this is an example of the hope and beauty that is arising on the planet.
The people of Oklahoma City have risen from the ashes and chosen peace. They are an example of peace on Earth as we each make conscious choices for inner peace.
An educator in the museum shared the peace programs that have been birthed here. Conflict resolution classes in schools; Cards and artwork from children, like the tile that reads, ”The world cares.” Sharing tools of peace with the children.
Every night when the sun goes down, the lights below each chair shine brighter and brighter. As the darkness spreads throughout the city, I see the moon at the highest point in the sky. There is stillness. The chairs that represent loss are transformed and emerge into brilliant candles of hope and light.
I see in this moment, it is in the greatest times of darkness that we become the brightest lights.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Why I said, "YES" P.S. I LOVE YOU (grieving the loss of a spouse)
Two years after my husband died, a film came out called, "P.S. I Love You." Several people recommended the film to me about a widow whose husband leaves a series of letters and gifts for her to receive during the first year after his death. When I first heard the words and the description, I knew I couldn't watch it for several reasons.
One, during the last year of my husband's life, he was fighting to live. There were a few conversations about the future where he told me to take some of the life insurance money and go to Greece on a trip which was one of my dreams. But most of the last year of his life was spent researching treatments and watching him fight for his life. No time was spent on saying goodbye and looking at the end.
Two, I was angry. I did not want to watch a film about how two people loved each other so much. I didn't want to see this amazing husband who left his grieving widow lovely gifts and positive messages. My husband left me with paperwork and junk and a drug addicted business tenant. He left me with unanswered questions and an incomplete ending. He left the family with anger and hurt from his prescription drug induced rage and insanity. Thorns instead of roses.
Over a period of time, the film kept crossing my path. One summer evening, I was at the video store and there it was on DVD. I felt ready to see it. I had moved through the anger and was ready to forgive my husband and forgive myself. I had developed more compassion and with time I had filtered through the physical experience and the unresolved junk in our relationship. I was beginning to remember some of the amazing moments in our relationship. I rented the DVD, popped some popcorn and grabbed a box of tissues. No one else was home.
Throughout the film, I cried silent tears with occasional sobbing inhalations. Finally, the last letter arrived. I knew that these were the words my husband would have said to me. In the last few weeks of his life, he did say these words with his eyes.
"Dear Holly (replaced in my heart with Andrea), I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S. I will always love you".
As I watched the film all alone in my house, a sound came out of me that I had never heard before. When the words of the letter were spoken, a howling, guttural sound of pain burst from me. It was the loudest, most primitive sound I had ever heard. It sounded like an animal in excruciating pain. Without controlling anything, the sound was released from my soul.
As I watched the end of the film and cried more tears, I knew the film had arrived at the perfect time. I was ready to heal the deeper pain and loss of my husband. I was ready to close the chapter. I was ready to fall in love with life again.
It has been several more years now. I think of my husband with feelings of love and gratitude and honor. I remember the night after ten years of marriage when he told me I was not his soul mate but his destiny. With the deep life journey we were on for over fifteen years, I would agree. The deepest most profound learning of my life happened over and over during those fifteen years. It is now my life work and my husband is my guardian angel.
I have fallen in love with myself and with life again and the next book of my life has begun.
![]() |
Hurley (RIP 2005) and our son Cooper (RIP 1993) |
Andrea Hylen is a Life Energy Coach specializing in Grief Transformation, founder of Heal My Voice, a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and co-author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life. Some day she will finish writing the book: Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip. Her greatest desire is to inspire people to live a deeper, richer life as leaders of their own lives and to connect with people for deeper conversations.
Andrea Hylen is a Life Energy Coach specializing in Grief Transformation, founder of Heal My Voice, a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and co-author of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life. Some day she will finish writing the book: Open to Inspiration: The summer a woman discovered herself with a teenage daughter and the Jonas Brothers on a 10,000 mile road trip. Her greatest desire is to inspire people to live a deeper, richer life as leaders of their own lives and to connect with people for deeper conversations.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Why I said, "YES" the Journey of Releasing aka Life As a Butterfly
Although I wrote this in a journal a year ago, I still find myself on a journey of releasing, releasing, releasing. Every time I think I have reached a place of stability, there is another call to shift physically, emotionally, mentally, spirituality.
In the spirit of releasing, I share the words of Life As A Butterfly.

Life as a Butterfly
July 7, 2010
In 2005, my daughter, Hannah, told me we would be moving from Baltimore to Los Angeles. It was two weeks after her father died and the clarity of the future flowed through her. It took me another 3 1/2 years to see it.
It was January of 2009. I felt a deep calling to release my house and most of my personal belongings. It took a year for everything to be released and sold. Since arriving in California in Jan. 2010, I have met people every week who have the same deep calling to transform and change. I feel the wave of movement from one part of the world to the other.
I meet people on Facebook, at Priscilla's Coffee and Tea in Burbank and at the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles. We are in a state of releasing. From releasing identities that no longer serve us to material possessions that have been clogging our lives to old beliefs that place limitations on new life. As we release, we open to embrace something new. Most of our futures are unplanned. We live on the edge of uncertainty of what is next until it appears. Underneath there is an aliveness about infinite possibilities and expectancy, like waiting to go into labor. I know the new birth is coming and soon!
The one common element is the consciousness around the release. No one is rejecting their old life. Everyone is releasing and moving towards something unknown. No one is running away. They are choosing a different path. The old life was fine. Maybe even great!
The one common element is the consciousness around the release. No one is rejecting their old life. Everyone is releasing and moving towards something unknown. No one is running away. They are choosing a different path. The old life was fine. Maybe even great!
On this new path, there are elements of freedom and music. At the center of it all is a spiritual connection to their heart and destiny. Step 1 is to renew their spirit. Step 2 is opening to the path that is leading them to serve. Something is stirring in each heart. There is a link to the great awakening on planet Earth.
Around the world, old structures are crumbling. Education, banking, government, health systems, resources, and jobs. In nature, there are earthquakes, volcanoes, oil spills and hurricanes. Barbara Marx Hubbard is a futurist who has been teaching for 40 years about a time in the world when the old structures would break down and fall apart. She has used the phrase, "Our crisis is a birth." Spiritual leaders like Michael Bernard Beckwith, speak of the natural breakdown of the old, "Something new is trying to emerge. That which is dissolving has to fall apart." We can not receive the new without the breakdown. Just as a baby is birthed with labor pains, the world is experiencing labor pains of its own.
I am filled with both fear and excitement. When I feel fear, I am examining my life from an old paradigm. Focused on old solutions that do not work any longer. When I feel excited, I am seeing infinite possibilities and open to the inspiration of new ideas and new solutions.
Around the world, old structures are crumbling. Education, banking, government, health systems, resources, and jobs. In nature, there are earthquakes, volcanoes, oil spills and hurricanes. Barbara Marx Hubbard is a futurist who has been teaching for 40 years about a time in the world when the old structures would break down and fall apart. She has used the phrase, "Our crisis is a birth." Spiritual leaders like Michael Bernard Beckwith, speak of the natural breakdown of the old, "Something new is trying to emerge. That which is dissolving has to fall apart." We can not receive the new without the breakdown. Just as a baby is birthed with labor pains, the world is experiencing labor pains of its own.
I am filled with both fear and excitement. When I feel fear, I am examining my life from an old paradigm. Focused on old solutions that do not work any longer. When I feel excited, I am seeing infinite possibilities and open to the inspiration of new ideas and new solutions.
Do you know what happens inside the chrysalis when the caterpillar is changing into a butterfly?
The caterpillar sheds it's skin one last time as the chrysalis is forming. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar's body begins to die. The juices used to digest food, now turn and digest the body. The body dies from the inside out. There are special formative cells that were stored in the tissue of the caterpillar that were never used for anything until now. When the old body becomes a caterpillar soup, the cells awaken for the first time. The cells are called imaginal buds or discs. As they awaken, they begin to multiply. At first, the caterpillar's immune system kills them. It isn't until the cells link together and join forces that they can become strong enough to overpower the immune system attack. The immune system dies and the imaginal cells become the body of the butterfly. The butterfly is very vulnerable and needs protection to complete the process of metamorphosis.
What can we learn from the metamorphosis?
1. The old skin is shed one last time before a new process begins.
2. There is a change from the inside out.
3. A memory or blueprint wakes up when the release of the old begins.
4. There is an internal struggle as the old resists and fights the new.
5. To strengthen the new and release the old, we join together in community, cooperation, and collaboration that supports our new birth.
6. As we awaken, something magnificent is created.
7. There is vulnerability at first. Be gentle with yourself. Rest.
Do you feel the call to become a butterfly and transform?
Monday, July 4, 2011
Why I said, "YES" ... surrendering on the 4th of July
Fourth of July
July 4, 2008
Preparing for a summer road trip with my daughter, I played with the idea of our 4th of July location for months. I thought the ideal situation would be a hotel in St. Louis, MO within walking distance to the Arch. Westward Expansion. What a great symbol to celebrate Independence Day and the expansion of ourselves on this journey.
But, the hotels were booked. I checked the hotels regularly. I thought there would be cancellations and a room would open in downtown St. Louis. Nothing...
The idea of parking and crowds and traffic was not appealing to me.
I reviewed the hotels outside of St. Louis and finally, I chose a spot two days before our arrival. It was close to our destination for the next day.
I released the idea of going to see fireworks. It was hard to let this go. Since the death of my husband, I tried to organize a 4th of July fireworks adventure every year. When he was alive, this was his thing, along with the annual carnival in town. It was something we enjoyed as a family, but he always organized it. Since his death, I didn’t want to let Hannah down. Hannah was the youngest of my daughters, only 12 years old when her father died. I wanted to create the best childhood I could for her. Fireworks felt important.
We talked about it and Hannah said she didn’t care. I let it go. I surrendered. We checked into the hotel and both of us started reviewing pictures and writing blogs for our travel websites.
Around 8:30pm, I heard a pounding, a steady rhythm of noise. It sounded like someone banging on the wall next door. Finally, I looked out the window and saw fireworks. I called to Hannah and she looked out the window and saw them, too.
My heart felt like it was bursting . There were fireworks in four different locations right out the window of our hotel! I saw fireworks from downtown St. Louis and Cahokia Mounds across the river and two other places I couldn’t identify. I watched them for 10 minutes feeling the gratitude of the location I had chosen...or was I guided here by an inner inspiration after I surrendered?
With a full heart and appreciation for a moment of fireworks with my daughter, I walked outside to put something in the car. Right outside the front door of the hotel, I stopped and gasped. There were fireworks EVERYWHERE! I walked around the parking lot. We were on top of a hill and I saw four.. seven..twelve.. sixteen... over twenty different fireworks locations. Some were so close, I could hear the boom and crackle and pop. I could smell the burning of fireworks powder. We were in the middle of the most spectacular fireworks event I had ever seen.
I saw a couple sitting in lawn chairs with the trunk of their car open. They told me they live in the area and this is the best location in the St Louis area. The fireworks displays continued for over an hour!
I felt the gratitude of what it really meant to trust, let go and open to the inspiration to surrender. A 4th of July to remember!
Westward Expansion. Opening to the expansion and guidance from within mySelf.
July 4, 2008
Preparing for a summer road trip with my daughter, I played with the idea of our 4th of July location for months. I thought the ideal situation would be a hotel in St. Louis, MO within walking distance to the Arch. Westward Expansion. What a great symbol to celebrate Independence Day and the expansion of ourselves on this journey.
But, the hotels were booked. I checked the hotels regularly. I thought there would be cancellations and a room would open in downtown St. Louis. Nothing...
The idea of parking and crowds and traffic was not appealing to me.
I reviewed the hotels outside of St. Louis and finally, I chose a spot two days before our arrival. It was close to our destination for the next day.
I released the idea of going to see fireworks. It was hard to let this go. Since the death of my husband, I tried to organize a 4th of July fireworks adventure every year. When he was alive, this was his thing, along with the annual carnival in town. It was something we enjoyed as a family, but he always organized it. Since his death, I didn’t want to let Hannah down. Hannah was the youngest of my daughters, only 12 years old when her father died. I wanted to create the best childhood I could for her. Fireworks felt important.
We talked about it and Hannah said she didn’t care. I let it go. I surrendered. We checked into the hotel and both of us started reviewing pictures and writing blogs for our travel websites.
Around 8:30pm, I heard a pounding, a steady rhythm of noise. It sounded like someone banging on the wall next door. Finally, I looked out the window and saw fireworks. I called to Hannah and she looked out the window and saw them, too.
My heart felt like it was bursting . There were fireworks in four different locations right out the window of our hotel! I saw fireworks from downtown St. Louis and Cahokia Mounds across the river and two other places I couldn’t identify. I watched them for 10 minutes feeling the gratitude of the location I had chosen...or was I guided here by an inner inspiration after I surrendered?
With a full heart and appreciation for a moment of fireworks with my daughter, I walked outside to put something in the car. Right outside the front door of the hotel, I stopped and gasped. There were fireworks EVERYWHERE! I walked around the parking lot. We were on top of a hill and I saw four.. seven..twelve.. sixteen... over twenty different fireworks locations. Some were so close, I could hear the boom and crackle and pop. I could smell the burning of fireworks powder. We were in the middle of the most spectacular fireworks event I had ever seen.
I saw a couple sitting in lawn chairs with the trunk of their car open. They told me they live in the area and this is the best location in the St Louis area. The fireworks displays continued for over an hour!
I felt the gratitude of what it really meant to trust, let go and open to the inspiration to surrender. A 4th of July to remember!
Westward Expansion. Opening to the expansion and guidance from within mySelf.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Why I said, "YES!" … and, what it meant to me once I did!
Awesome Women Hub Leaders |
Awesome Women Hub Local Leader Baltimore/DC
Why did I say “YES” to the Awesome Women Hub tour?
Many people have asked me about the journey as to why I said YES initially to the tour. There are several reasons, but I would have to say that the main reason is because I wanted to give back to this AWESOME community of women who inspired me. Over the course of the past year and a half, I have met women from all over the country and the world, and they have become a part of who I am and have changed my life forever.
About a year ago, I discovered the Awesome Women Hub when there were about (200) members on it. It was going to grow quickly, and I could just feel the energy. I was already connected to Robin Rice’s Be Who You Are page, and I knew that anything that she was going to lead would be golden. So, I joined the community at AWH, and began to meet really amazing women from all over. I was involved in the very first gift basket by giving away a Simply Organized phone consultation, and it just moved forward from there.
At the time, Robin was starting to offer social media training with her company UpTribe Media, and was going to be offering an in-person seminar for only a few attendees in National Harbor, MD. In my previous position as a restaurant consultant, built one of the very first restaurants at National Harbor, so I felt that it was just meant to be. So, I signed up for the seminar and took that very first training to assist me with the Simply Organized page and the creation of a brand new page as well. At the time I began training, Simply Organized had about (500) “fans/likes” at the time, and during that weekend, I started the page “Beth Bracaglia’s Simply Inspired” and learned the new techniques. All I can say is “WOW” ~ in less than a year, I now have over (1900) people in the Simply Organized Community, and over (2800) in the Beth Bracaglia’s Simply Inspired community thanks to UpTribe training and the always visionary Robin Rice. How could I not give back to this grassroots cause to change the world?
And so the journey began ~ it all started with a dream and a unique vision…and we ALL made it happen, piece by piece, by planning the first stop of the tour, together.
The leaders of the Baltimore/DC/NoVA tour stop included:
Me: I AM the Chief Organizing Officer of Simply Organized, where we assist busy people organize their homes and/or offices and help them to create the areas that better reflects their space & the life they want. I coach my clients in space utilization, time management and how to simplify their life overall. My journey with them also includes inspiration and motivation. What I do is organize people, places & all kinds of things!
Laurissa Heller: A woman who began my latest journey with me over a year ago during UpTribe training, my wonderful Tribe Sister and beautiful friend. She’s a spiritual intuitive, yoga teacher, meditation leader, astrologist, conscious living guru, and inspiration to me to assist me in living the life of my dreams.
Beth and Debbie |
Debbie Kabin: My true Earth”momma”, who promotes & supports events all over the DC Metro area and beyond through her company Earthmother Holistic Events. Deb is an incredible woman, filled with love and compassion who lifts and supports us all in everything we do. She amazes me each & every day!
Sharon Fallon Shreve: A High Magdeline Priestess ~ what was that I really didn’t know at the beginning of this journey, but my Goddess, I am learning! She amazes & delights me with her strong presence, love, light & teaching.
Beth and Sharon |
Tiffany Montavon: A soul coach, self-described “nature woman”, and the person who has taught me so much about honoring all of our seasons, the world outside, and appreciating the beauty all around us. A truly amazing lady, and I’m fortunate that our paths have crossed.
Joan Schramm: A life & career coach, who stands by her strong ideas on how to help each & every person she coaches to find the life of their dreams. Joan is a wonderful lady, who supports & lifts us all when we need it the most. Her quiet strength and honesty always help to move things along.
Together, we helped change our part of the world, honoring our authentic journeys, all while lifting & supporting the other (50) women in attendance on that magical weekend. We are now forever connected by being FEARLESS together, and living a life where we lead in each of our lives, our careers, by helping others. Together, we stand even stronger together. What happens next? Only time will tell, but I can tell you all one thing…it’s going to continue to be AWESOME!
To connect with Beth Bracaglia:
To connect with Beth Bracaglia:
Monday, May 30, 2011
Why I said “YES”... to the Beauty of Gray Hair

I dyed my hair blond in 10th grade to please a boyfriend. At a Saturday night sleepover with my girlfriend, Nancy Koerner, we decided to dye my hair since my boyfriend said he preferred blonds. Ugh! Even writing that statement makes me sick to my stomach right now. But that was the state of my self-esteem. To even consider changing my body in ANY way to please a man... a boy. Ugh!
Nancy was my best friend and she loved to play with hair. She was my anti-thesis. I didn't even brush my straight, thin hair every day. She was always experimenting with hair color and style. She decided I should have highlights, I think it was called frosting. As she pulled the strands of hair through holes in the cap with an instrument that looked like a crochet hook, my hair got all tangled. After about an hour of this frustration, Nancy and I decided to dump the chemicals on all of my hair. We both looked in the mirror at the end of the process and lied to each other about how good it looked.
When my boyfriend saw me the next day with blond hair he just stared at me. Ouch! The memory of standing in the driveway of my home and seeing the look of horror and shock on his face, still brings back memories of hurt. He broke up with me a few weeks later and it took a few years of dying my hair with a brown tint, waiting for it all to grow back to the natural color of mousy brown to move on from that dying incident. I never had the desire to dye my hair again. As a matter of fact, I had an aversion to it. It reminded me of a time I did something, "to be loved," that was out of integrity with who I am. Good, painful life lesson.
Throughout my life time I have had a variety of haircuts and body waves to try to find the right hairstyle. I would find a haircut that worked for awhile, struggle to find something new and then throw up my hands in surrender. I have straight, thin hair with several cowlicks. Challenging, uninteresting hair.
For a period of about five years in the late 1990's, early 2000's, I lived in paint clothes and wore a bandana on my head. Home schooling my kids, running Girl Scout troops and Destination Imagination teams I also refinished the floors and painted all of the walls in an 11 room house we were renovating. I never felt self-conscious about being in public with uncombed hair hidden by the bandana. Grocery shopping, a coffee shop, or meeting a friend for a casual lunch. It was my lifestyle and I loved the creativity that was flowing through me in the renovating and learning environment.
Oh, and when I went camping with the Girl Scouts, I did not look for a shower. Camping for three days meant dirty body, dirty hair and dirty clothes. Taking a shower while camping seemed like a contradiction.
You can see that I am not a primping and polished kind of girl. But, primping and aging are two different things. As I have explored my inner voice this year, I have also taken more moments to look at my body, my hair, the wrinkles around my mouth and eyes and the stretch marks on my belly. I notice the sagging chin and the graying hair. The red capillaries and rosacea that appeared on my face after the birth of four children. The freckles that are beginning to look more like age spots.
In those moments of self-examination, I think about plastic surgery, dying my hair, losing weight, and beauty products. I feel into the vulnerability, the messages from society, the aging that is happening with the passing of time.
This morning I looked in the mirror and saw a section of ten hairs that were all gray. That is enough of a gathering, a clustering to change the color of my hair in certain spots. It is a preview for what is coming.
I stood still, took a breath and felt my way into the beauty of this time of my life. Carving a path of what it means to get older. All of the wisdom. The feeling of being deeply connected to my soul. Knowing who I am. I have had such an amazing life. So many incredible experiences. And more than the memories of travel to Hawaii, ziplining in Jamaica, owning an 11 room house, I am thinking about the waves of life where I have learned who I am; where I learned how to surf with the challenges. Now that is living an amazing life. I know who I am. And I know if I decide to dye my hair, it will have to be for me. It will have to be because I want that experience for myself.
Looking in the mirror, I began to speak out loud. "Hello, you. What is the next adventure? Gray hair?" I began to feel the inner excitement of that. What would that be like? What shade of gray will be my natural color? I crinkled my eyes to accentuate the wrinkles. I examined all aspects of my face. I really looked at my face and I saw the adventure and the beauty of opening the door to the experience of aging.
In that moment, I decided...
I say, Yes! to my beautiful graying hair. I say, Yes! to embracing the experience of aging. I...say...YES!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Why I said “YES”... to writing my book Divine Worth: Kimberly Coots
GUEST BLOGGER: Kimberly Coots
Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 9 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Kimberly Coots whose book DIVINE WORTH - Break the Bonds of Unworthiness and Create the Life You Desire! launches on Amazon on Tuesday May 24, 2011.
Author Kimberly Ann Coots is a transformational life coach, business development coach and speaker. Her passion is to help shift humanity's consciousness from fear, lack and separation, to love, connection and abundance. Through her coaching, courses, speaking and books, Kimberly is a guide to transforming unworthiness conditioning, stepping into your power and living a life you love. She is certified in many holistic and spiritual modalities. She has been ordained as a Spiritual Peace Minister by James Twyman, is a certified Reconnection Healer by Dr. Eric Pearl and is a Facilitator for the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. As a successful business development specialist, Kimberly also helps entrepreneurs make a profit and a difference.
Yesterday, Kimberly visited Callie Carling at where they talked about self-worth linked to abundance, transforming that feeling of unworthiness and art to living from the heart.
Today, I'd like to share with you a recent interview I had with Kimberly when I got to ask her on the sole question Why I said Yes. I hope you enjoy it.
Kimberly Coots: Why I said “YES” to writing my book Divine Worth
Writing has been a passion of mine since my early teens. About 13 months ago I started to feel knowingness and inner calling that it was time to write another book. I wasn’t sure what it would be about, but I knew it would be transformational.
This is a great example of how the universe works to support us in living our hearts’ desires. Shortly after I began to sense this inner calling, I received a message from my friend, James Twyman, about a contest he was involved in called The Next Top Spiritual Author Contest. My resonation with this was off the charts! I knew it was time to take action on my inner calling, and this contest was the perfect way to inspire me.
I got in touch with my heart – I’ve had a significant healing journey and I got in touch with the core of what my journey was about. I realized that it was about becoming aware of how unworthiness sabotaged my happiness, healing that self-limiting belief system and stepping into my heart and power to live a life I love.
I see all around me how unworthiness affects people’s lives and I knew it was time to open up and be vulnerable to help shift this condition in the world. Claiming my own true unconditional worth allowed me to release what wasn’t really working in my life and open up to what lights me up. This book is intended to help others do the same. I said yes and the universe worked through me to bring this message of unconditional love into the world.
Not only did I open to allow this book to be manifested through me, I also healed on an even deeper level and I engaged my passion of writing and speaking in the process. And that’s just the beginning.
My vision is for the insights, tools and exercises in this book to make a positive impact in the world by creating a consciousness shift in people individually, which ultimately affects the collective consciousness of the whole. We are moving from fear, lack and separation to more love, connection and abundance, and this book is a tool for the shift. YES!
I hope you enjoyed this interview with Kimberly Coots and that you’ll check out her book DIVINE WORTH - Break the Bonds of Unworthiness and Create the Life You Desire! at
Here's why:
When you visit the page at the link above and request a "launch reminder", you will automatically receive a FREE pass to Kimberly's 3-day "Discover Our Divine Worth Telesummit" with 9 leading authors, Coaches and Speakers on How You are ALREADY Worth Enough to Create The Life You Desire. You can listen to the telesummit online in the comfort of your own home, and even ask questions during the broadcast.
This telesummit is a completely free
"no purchase necessary" gift from Kimberly
"no purchase necessary" gift from Kimberly
When you buy Kimberly's book on Tuesday May 24, 2011, you can ALSO receive a complete library of beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe including one from me:
Audio and eBook: The Power of Self-Love
To claim your 3-Day Pass and read about the free gifts, go to:
Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.
AND… be sure to follow Kimberly tomorrow when the next stop on the Virtual Blog Tour is Paula Tarrant, who will be interviewing Kimberly on #1 cause of unworthiness amongst women, undoing the patterns of unworthiness and subtle ways unworthiness shows up. To visit that "stop" on the tour, go to
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Why I said, "YES" ... and stood up for a Girl Scout named Mariam
I used to think that being a leader meant being the head of an organization or a group. And then I became a Girl Scout Leader to a Daisy troop of four year old girls. The experience led me to work as a Girl Scout leader for 10 years and that changed the way I saw leadership. I learned that leadership for me was more about finding ways of empowering others and creating an environment for them to be more of who they are.
One year in the springtime a mother of one of the girls from my troop was organizing a court of awards ceremony at a large community event. Our troop was to provide Girl Scouts from our troop for the ceremony. One of the Junior Girl Scouts named Mariam came to me and said she would like to be in the ceremony. She would like to carry a flag. When I mentioned this to the mother who was organizing the ceremony, her reaction was no because Mariam was too loud and boisterous and would never settle down for this serious ceremony. The mother said that Mariam would embarrass our troop. I disagreed with her.
She was right about Mariam's energy. Mariam had a big personality and she liked to push the limits. She had all of this electric, wild power that would burst from her and she was learning to channel it into creativity. She was a very talented artist, full of life energy. For five years I had watched her grow into her personal power. I believed that if she said she wanted to do it, that she would be able to focus on the intention of the ceremony. I knew my job was to support her in becoming more of who she was as a powerful young woman. It was not to create a perfect ceremony. I stood up for Mariam, talked to the mother about giving each of the girls a chance to develop leadership skills and convinced her this was an opportunity for Mariam to stretch herself into a new situation. The mother reluctantly agreed.
I talked with Mariam. I let her know that I believed in her and that I stood up for her. I let her know that it was up to her to show us what she could do. This was her opportunity to be a leader. I also let her know that no matter what happened, I loved her and would always love her.
On the day of the ceremony Mariam was excited and nervous. I gave her a hug, reminded her I believed in her and to enjoy the experience. I was so proud of Mariam as I watched her stand up straight and proudly carry the flag. There was a moment when Mariam's best friend, Katie, began to giggle. She was also carrying a flag in the ceremony and was walking next to Mariam. No one ever imagined that Katie would be the one to disrupt the seriousness of the ceremony. Mariam did not react. She stayed focused on honoring the flag, the ceremony and herself. She led the way and demonstrated a new leadership.
Standing up for Mariam became an example for all of us to say, "YES!" to the girls and to ourselves. We supported the girls to stretch into new opportunities, new expressions of themselves and let go of perfection.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Why I said, "Yes" ... to being a stay at home mum
Two months after my 18th birthday my son Kye was born. A healthy, beautiful 9p14oz perfect baby boy.
The moment he was plonked onto my chest ~ all wet and purply looking from being squeezed out into the world ~ my heart did a little summersault of joy. ‘My baby! My healthy beautiful baby!’ I’ve never heard my heart speak so loudly. ‘Welcome little soul. Thank you for choosing me. You are safe here ~ I love you ~ I will look after you.’
In that moment my commitment to call forth my every resource to be the best possible mum I could be & give Kye the most loving start in life I could, poured forth from my very being without a thought. It was in the essence.
At 18 honestly I had no idea what the future would hold. No Idea HOW I would be the good mum I promised to be. But I trusted my heart would lead the way.
And so it was the path to being Kye’s loving stay at home mum began to unfold.
First was breast feeding. Ouchy! Who would have thought something so natural could be such painful, trying hard work (I guess labour could have been a clue). It took three weeks of what seemed like hourly feeds & painfully tender nipples before we found a groove that was liveable. Lucky he was so cute!
The first year was all consuming baby work; feeding, changing, playing, patting him to sleep. I was grateful when at 9 months Kye decided breast milk was no longer for him. And at the same time he started walking and talking. Wow! He went from baby to toddler over night.
Kye was a cool little kid, incredibly curious but never naughty. The next year and a bit was basically me running around behind Kye as he explored the world trying to avert any major disasters. It was the Clipsal emergency safety switch & not me that saved his little life the day he found his Dad’s car key & decided to try putting it into (what I thought was a well out of sight & reach) power socket. That was scary!
By the time Kye was one & a half he could say pretty much any word and at two he could carry on pretty in depth conversations. His curious little mind asking questions from morning to evening every single day. He was brilliant, adorable and exhausting!
Kye was about 2 or 3 and out of nappies when I first looked up, out and around at the world at large to wonder what should I do for work? I had from the time Kye was one been a party plan consultant. Doing perfume & aromatherapy parties in people’s homes, weekends & evenings when Kye’s Dad was able to be home with him. I’d also done my massage training when Kye was one. My mum had cared for him while I studied.
But none of that seemed to satisfy the deep desire within me to make a meaningful contribution in a way that would support my family financially. And when I checked in with my heart ~ the guidance was clear~ ‘hold your horses career girl, your little son needs you.’
And so it was for years. I lived with being committed (both consciously & unconsciously) to care for Kye first above all else. And then also trying to make peace with my conscious desire (which was part ego, part social conditioning & part soulful) to have work that made me feel valuable, recognised and able to contribute financially to my family in a meaningful way. This inner conflict felt like torture at times and became the fuel for much deep soul searching.
For 11 years my heart was adamant ‘kye needs you and Kye comes first’. So with my hubby’s full support. And the occasional bit of grandbaby sitting as provided by Kye’s Nanna’s & Pop’s. I’ve been it! His full time at home Mum.
Kye’s never been to a childcare provider or before or after school care. He’s never even had a baby sitter who wasn’t family. And why not? All because my heart said ‘caring for Kye is your first priority, making money, having a career, it will all have to wait.’
As I reflect now as the Mum of thirteen and a half year old Kye, I feel sure my heart had it right. Those years of his early childhood have whizzed by. I’m comforted to know that for him they are full of memories of being loved, supported and free to be a kid. I know he knows who I am. I have shared my heart & all I know thus far with Kye. I feel I’ve done my absolute best to prepare and empower him to know himself deeply, love himself fully and to live an awesome life ~ following his own heart.
The call for me to make my own valuable contribution in the world through career, through business, through serving others at large and making an income for my family, that’s always remained. But it was not as important to me as the call to be Kye’s stay at home Mum, and that’s why I said yes.
Soli Goodes
Monday, May 2, 2011
Why I said, "YES" ... Empowering my inner guidance system (and honoring my daughters)
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Kentucky Horse Park |
It has always been important to me to create an environment for my all of my daughters to develop their own intuition and their inner guidance system. I know each of us have all of the answers within. When great leaders have been interviewed, the ability to listen to their own intuition is listed as one of the most important qualities. But, allowing those qualities to develop in your child can create a conflict when the parent's guidance is different.
My 15-year-old daughter Hannah and I were on a summer road trip, with the first stop in Lexington, Kentucky, the Horse Capital of the World. I saw a sign when we first arrived at the Kentucky Horse Park. "Please excuse our construction while we build for the future." This was the perfect description of my relationship with Hannah. We were under construction while we built for the future.
The road trip was part of a healing journey. I felt we had lost touch with each other since her father's death two years earlier. She was a teenager with all of the normal inner and outer conflict. Added to that was the grief process which had caused her to withdraw from friends and family. I had been consumed with closing and selling my husband's business and all of the other details left when a person dies. As the matriarch and leader of the family, I needed time to be with her. Observing how she was doing, assessing the job I was doing as her mother and looking for ways I could lead and assist her into adulthood.
Kentucky was our first stop on the trip and already there were challenges. To begin our day, I hopped into the car and turned on music to dance and sing as I fastened my seat belt to drive a few miles to the Park. I wanted to have fun as we explored and reconnected!
Hannah turned off the music and glared at me. She preferred to slowly enter the day and this was too much noise for her. I pulled into the drive-thru for coffee and the manager working at the window saw our Maryland license plate and started a conversation with me. We talked and laughed while I waited for my coffee. As I pulled away with hot coffee in the cup holder beside me, Hannah sighed, rolled her eyes and turned to look out the passenger window.
Nothing is right or wrong here. We are different. We are individuals on this road trip. This was a clashing of the morning person and night person energy. When there are moments of our individuation I have to remember to surrender to the moment. To be who I am and honor my daughter's path choices.
Something had been leading me to go to the Kentucky Horse Park. Call it inner guidance or however you describe the place inside of you that has a knowing about things. Like when you know to pick up a phone and call someone, attend an event or go to a Horse Park. It doesn't have to make sense, just follow that inner voice. In the moment it happens, I have a feeling and my heart knows the answer before my mind understands.
I will say it again for you and to remind me... My heart knows before my mind understands... Something perfect always happens when I follow that inner voice. I trust and let go.
In the week before leaving on the trip, I had seen horses everywhere. They had been on shirts, purses, and magazines. It made sense that the first stop on our trip out West was Lexington, KY, Horse Capital of the World and we would go to the Horse Park. Although horses have never been my passion, I was paying attention to the messages.
Hannah used to have a passion for horses. She had always loved kids and animals. When a truck hit our golden retriever one Thanksgiving weekend, Hannah was the one who slept on the living room floor with him to nurse him back to health. Lying on a rug, next to the wood stove fire, she comforted him back to a full recovery giving him medicine, waking up with him in the middle of the night, and singing lightly to him. She was only 7 years old then.
A few summers ago, when Hannah's sister had an acting job in Palo Duro Canyon, Texas, we went horseback riding. Hannah enjoyed it so much she took horseback riding lessons until a freaky experience happened with a horse running away with her. She wasn't hurt but she didn't want to ride anymore. I do have compassion for that experience and how it changed her desire to ride horses.
This morning in Kentucky, to my surprise, Hannah was determined not to go in. She told me the night before and she told me this morning. She had no intention of going into the park. I told her we weren't riding horses at the Park today. We were looking at them and learning about them. At the Horse Park, there were the cutest little mommy ponies and their babies. I knew she would love to see them. I was just as determined to go to the Park. The inner guidance within me was so strong I trusted it and refused to ignore it.
Here's the reason I was determined. Following your inner guidance is about building a relationship with yourself. I was building a foundation of trust where I was telling my inner guidance, I trust you. I will follow your guidance even when I don't know where you are leading me. My inner guidance has never led me to a dangerous situation. I may be out of my comfort zone but never in danger. By letting go of figuring it all out in my head and just showing up for the experience I will discover something new.
When we arrived at the horse park, Hannah still refused to go in. After a 15-minute conversation back and forth, and a 30-minute walk around the parking lot, by myself, to let all of my stirred up feelings settle down, I agreed to go by myself. She was content to sit in the car for two to three hours with her book. We are individuals, right? She was old enough to sit in the parking lot, in the shade, with a book.
I am raising my daughter to be a leader in her life, to develop her own inner guidance system. Mine said, "Go." Hers said, "No." I had to let go of my own internal resistance to the differences.
The first thing I saw in the park was an inspiring mural of horses running through the water: Thou Shalt Fly Without Wings. Something about it stirred my heart and I took a picture. Next was a bronze statue of two colts. One was in a position of jumping up and down. The other was lying on the ground. I nicknamed them Andrea and Hannah. The statue was a visual expression of who we were today.
The horse park became a place for me to reflect. The horse was a symbol for travel and freedom. In ancient cultures it was considered a warrior spirit - the brave fighter who brought you safety in your journeys. I observed everything in the few hours I was there. I appreciated the magnificence of the animals and the people who loved them so much and I thought about the trip with Hannah. Why were we here? What could we learn from each other? How could I stay open to experiencing this journey with her as a separate person and not a mother who has been responsible for caring for her for 15 years? Can I give her the space to emerge as an individual and let go more? Can I watch her make mistakes and not rush in to rescue? I am already stirred up as our differences are surfacing.
I am a leader, a connector who loves to build community.
Hannah is a strong, individual self who is listening to her own inner guidance. She is the leader of her life.
I am open to learning from her and see where we go from here. All I can do is trust and let go.
When I say, "YES!" to my inner guidance and you say, "YES!" to yours, we each walk the path we are here to walk.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Why I said, "YES" ... to be a part of the National Team of Awesome Women Hub Tour
Guest Blogger: Dr. Carla Goddard
Why I Said Yes?
by Carla Goddard on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 5:23am
I was asked why I said “Yes”. Why I said yes to not only participate by attending, but to become a part of the National Team of Awesome Women Hub Tour.
Let me start by sharing a story with you.
I once had a spiritual mentor that shared with me if I believed, if I was willing to do the work, and if I trusted Spirit absolutely anything was possible. In 1997 I was diagnosed with cancer, I had a heart attack, was diagnosed with CNS Lupus, and I developed Transverse Myelitis. I lost my hair, lost the ability to walk, and even lost the ability to control my motor functions. I remember a doctor telling my husband it didn’t look so good. In the next moment I remember what that spiritual mentor shared with me. I believed that this was not the end, I was willing to do whatever was necessary to not only survive but to live, and I trusted that Spirit would see me through. I vowed one day I would stand up, speak up, and share with the world “we can change the world” if only we believe, we are willing to do the work, and we trust.
I believe that a “tribe” will come together both in cities across the globe and communities online. I believe that by being present in the moment having active participation in a global energetic wave, this amazing “tribe” will change the world. I believe that each one of us have the answers within us and when we come together in unity we solve the riddles of what to do next.
Recently everyone stood in awe as we watched the citizens of Egypt rise up into a single voice to “change their world”. It started with a post on Facebook. A single post by a woman, who believed, was willing to stand up and trusted in the spirits of her fellow citizens. She started a revolution. Think about that for a moment.
Now envision a gathering of empowered women who all have the answers within them of what their world needs next. They come together as a single voice and “sing” the change to the world in a video, through social media, and blogs. Imagine.
As a Shaman, I see things from an energetic point of view. I see the vibration of a single voice and how that voice reverberates into ripples that stretch across the globe. We all saw it happen. One woman’s post literally changed the world. Her ripple combined to create an energetic wave that transformed Egypt and truly the world. I want to be part of that energetic ripple that sends waves out into the Universe.
Each one of us has a piece of the answer – I believe that this gathering of spirits will find the answers and create a change that will blaze a new path for others to follow.
That is why I said “yes”. Join me? or on FaceBook at
After posting this I was asked if I would share the rest of the story. Here is the link for the rest of the story
Let me start by sharing a story with you.
I once had a spiritual mentor that shared with me if I believed, if I was willing to do the work, and if I trusted Spirit absolutely anything was possible. In 1997 I was diagnosed with cancer, I had a heart attack, was diagnosed with CNS Lupus, and I developed Transverse Myelitis. I lost my hair, lost the ability to walk, and even lost the ability to control my motor functions. I remember a doctor telling my husband it didn’t look so good. In the next moment I remember what that spiritual mentor shared with me. I believed that this was not the end, I was willing to do whatever was necessary to not only survive but to live, and I trusted that Spirit would see me through. I vowed one day I would stand up, speak up, and share with the world “we can change the world” if only we believe, we are willing to do the work, and we trust.
I believe that a “tribe” will come together both in cities across the globe and communities online. I believe that by being present in the moment having active participation in a global energetic wave, this amazing “tribe” will change the world. I believe that each one of us have the answers within us and when we come together in unity we solve the riddles of what to do next.
Recently everyone stood in awe as we watched the citizens of Egypt rise up into a single voice to “change their world”. It started with a post on Facebook. A single post by a woman, who believed, was willing to stand up and trusted in the spirits of her fellow citizens. She started a revolution. Think about that for a moment.
Now envision a gathering of empowered women who all have the answers within them of what their world needs next. They come together as a single voice and “sing” the change to the world in a video, through social media, and blogs. Imagine.
As a Shaman, I see things from an energetic point of view. I see the vibration of a single voice and how that voice reverberates into ripples that stretch across the globe. We all saw it happen. One woman’s post literally changed the world. Her ripple combined to create an energetic wave that transformed Egypt and truly the world. I want to be part of that energetic ripple that sends waves out into the Universe.
Each one of us has a piece of the answer – I believe that this gathering of spirits will find the answers and create a change that will blaze a new path for others to follow.
That is why I said “yes”. Join me? or on FaceBook at
After posting this I was asked if I would share the rest of the story. Here is the link for the rest of the story
Monday, April 25, 2011
Why I said, "YES" ... to witness the rescue of 33 miners
As I ponder all of the times I have said, "YES!" to things in my life, the "why I said yes," always leads to the same answer: "...because my heart told me so." Reflecting on this I am reminded that this is where the richest moments, the richest memories reside. The times I felt something stirring in my heart that led me to a moment of saying, "YES!"
This was a simple moment of saying yes that led to a deeper reason for my life.
Maybe some of you remember the real life story about the Chilean mine workers who were trapped underground from August 4-October 13, 2010. Seventy days trapped in an underground mine.
I found out about the story near the end of the ordeal, right before they were rescued. I read about it one morning on Huffington Post as I was sitting in my local coffee shop. There was something about a community of men surviving together that drew me into the story and I read and watched everything I could about it for several days.
Here are a few brief details in case you didn't see it.
On Aug 5, a mine collapsed with 33 miners trapped inside.
On Aug 22, a 6 inch hole was drilled and reached the miners. It took 17 days to drill that hole and it was discovered that all 33 were alive.
Two more holes were drilled. These became the lifelines for delivering supplies, communication and fresh air.
If you want more details leading up to the rescue, here is a link to one Huff Post article from Aug 2010. Chile Mine Collapse Article
As I said earlier, I discovered the information about the mine collapsing a few days before they were rescued.
I read details every day and added the men and their families to my prayer list. On the day the rescue began, I was working on the computer searching for more information. The four-meter long “Phoenix” capsule painted in the red, white and blue colors of the Chilean flag was beginning to hoist the 33 miners to the surface through a 26-inch wide hole. It was estimated it would take about one hour to rescue each man. That meant it would span over two days.
I discovered a Live streaming Ustream channel with camera shots underground and above ground. I held my breath and watched as the first man was rescued. Connected with the on-line community we all chatted words of support for the miners. Posting our prayers and counting the last few seconds, then cheers and html code that appeared as hearts and celebratory exclamations of joy!
I knew in that moment I had to witness the rescue and to hold a space in prayer and community. I felt a strong inner yes to clear my schedule and join the on-line community that was already holding a vigil for this. On Ustream Live, I witnessed the rescue and I also witnessed a group of people who were strangers before the event. Many of them stayed awake all night.
There were moments when the rescue went smoothly, one man steadily raised to the surface after another. Then, there was a short period of time when it looked like there would be a delay which could mean days, weeks or longer. We huddled together online holding virtual hands in times of concern and offering virtual cups of coffee and donuts in moments of celebration.
I found out later it was estimated that one billion people watched the rescue. I wondered how many had joined together and created new tribes like the group of people on Ustream.
The story popped back into my mind yesterday on Easter morning.
Whether you celebrate Easter or not, it is a symbol for the experience I had been watching during the rescue of the miners. Another reflection of support and witnessing...
It is written that after the Last Supper, Jesus took the disciples and went to the garden at Gethsemane to pray. He asked three of the disciples, Peter, James and John to stay awake and keep watch. He knew that the betrayer Judas would soon be upon them. But the disciples were tired and could not stay awake. Three times Jesus left to pray and he returned to find the disciples sleeping. By falling asleep, the disciples also betrayed Jesus.
The rescue of the miners and staying awake. The betrayal of Jesus by falling asleep.
In this time of great change on the planet, my inner "yes" is telling me I am ready to stay awake with you. I am ready to wake up to new ideas and new solutions to make a difference.
The inner, "Yes" I felt to stay awake and hold watch for the miners has carried into my life in a deeper way/. I am waking up to ways that I can share my unique gifts, to join in collaborative community, and to find inner peace within to reflect it out to the world.
I will stay awake with you. Will you stay awake with me?
This was a simple moment of saying yes that led to a deeper reason for my life.
Maybe some of you remember the real life story about the Chilean mine workers who were trapped underground from August 4-October 13, 2010. Seventy days trapped in an underground mine.
I found out about the story near the end of the ordeal, right before they were rescued. I read about it one morning on Huffington Post as I was sitting in my local coffee shop. There was something about a community of men surviving together that drew me into the story and I read and watched everything I could about it for several days.
Here are a few brief details in case you didn't see it.
On Aug 5, a mine collapsed with 33 miners trapped inside.
On Aug 22, a 6 inch hole was drilled and reached the miners. It took 17 days to drill that hole and it was discovered that all 33 were alive.
Two more holes were drilled. These became the lifelines for delivering supplies, communication and fresh air.
If you want more details leading up to the rescue, here is a link to one Huff Post article from Aug 2010. Chile Mine Collapse Article
As I said earlier, I discovered the information about the mine collapsing a few days before they were rescued.
I read details every day and added the men and their families to my prayer list. On the day the rescue began, I was working on the computer searching for more information. The four-meter long “Phoenix” capsule painted in the red, white and blue colors of the Chilean flag was beginning to hoist the 33 miners to the surface through a 26-inch wide hole. It was estimated it would take about one hour to rescue each man. That meant it would span over two days.
I discovered a Live streaming Ustream channel with camera shots underground and above ground. I held my breath and watched as the first man was rescued. Connected with the on-line community we all chatted words of support for the miners. Posting our prayers and counting the last few seconds, then cheers and html code that appeared as hearts and celebratory exclamations of joy!
I knew in that moment I had to witness the rescue and to hold a space in prayer and community. I felt a strong inner yes to clear my schedule and join the on-line community that was already holding a vigil for this. On Ustream Live, I witnessed the rescue and I also witnessed a group of people who were strangers before the event. Many of them stayed awake all night.
There were moments when the rescue went smoothly, one man steadily raised to the surface after another. Then, there was a short period of time when it looked like there would be a delay which could mean days, weeks or longer. We huddled together online holding virtual hands in times of concern and offering virtual cups of coffee and donuts in moments of celebration.
I found out later it was estimated that one billion people watched the rescue. I wondered how many had joined together and created new tribes like the group of people on Ustream.
The story popped back into my mind yesterday on Easter morning.
Whether you celebrate Easter or not, it is a symbol for the experience I had been watching during the rescue of the miners. Another reflection of support and witnessing...
It is written that after the Last Supper, Jesus took the disciples and went to the garden at Gethsemane to pray. He asked three of the disciples, Peter, James and John to stay awake and keep watch. He knew that the betrayer Judas would soon be upon them. But the disciples were tired and could not stay awake. Three times Jesus left to pray and he returned to find the disciples sleeping. By falling asleep, the disciples also betrayed Jesus.
The rescue of the miners and staying awake. The betrayal of Jesus by falling asleep.
In this time of great change on the planet, my inner "yes" is telling me I am ready to stay awake with you. I am ready to wake up to new ideas and new solutions to make a difference.
The inner, "Yes" I felt to stay awake and hold watch for the miners has carried into my life in a deeper way/. I am waking up to ways that I can share my unique gifts, to join in collaborative community, and to find inner peace within to reflect it out to the world.
I will stay awake with you. Will you stay awake with me?
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