Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I said, "YES" ... to be a part of the National Team of Awesome Women Hub Tour

Guest Blogger: Dr. Carla Goddard

Why I Said Yes?

by Carla Goddard on Saturday, April 9, 2011 at 5:23am
I was asked why I said “Yes”.  Why I said yes to not only participate by attending, but to become a part of the National Team of Awesome Women Hub Tour.

Let me start by sharing a story with you.

I once had a spiritual mentor that shared with me if I believed, if I was willing to do the work, and if I trusted Spirit absolutely anything was possible.   In 1997 I was diagnosed with cancer, I had a heart attack, was diagnosed with CNS Lupus, and I developed Transverse Myelitis.   I lost my hair, lost the ability to walk, and even lost the ability to control my motor functions.  I remember a doctor telling my husband it didn’t look so good.  In the next moment I remember what that spiritual mentor shared with me.  I believed that this was not the end, I was willing to do whatever was necessary to not only survive but to live, and I trusted that Spirit would see me through.  I vowed one day I would stand up, speak up, and share with the world “we can change the world” if only we believe, we are willing to do the work, and we trust.

I believe that a “tribe” will come together both in cities across the globe and communities online.  I believe that by being present in the moment having active participation in a global energetic wave, this amazing “tribe” will change the world.  I believe that each one of us have the answers within us and when we come together in unity we solve the riddles of what to do next.

Recently everyone stood in awe as we watched the citizens of Egypt rise up into a single voice to “change their world”.  It started with a post on Facebook.   A single post by a woman, who believed, was willing to stand up and trusted in the spirits of her fellow citizens.  She started a revolution.  Think about that for a moment.

Now envision a gathering of empowered women who all have the answers within them of what their world needs next.  They come together as a single voice and “sing” the change to the world in a video, through social media, and blogs.  Imagine.

As a Shaman, I see things from an energetic point of view.  I see the vibration of a single voice and how that voice reverberates into ripples that stretch across the globe.  We all saw it happen.  One woman’s post literally changed the world.  Her ripple combined to create an energetic wave that transformed Egypt and truly the world.  I want to be part of that energetic ripple that sends waves out into the Universe.

Each one of us has a piece of the answer – I believe that this gathering of spirits will find the answers and create a change that will blaze a new path for others to follow.

That is why I said “yes”.  Join me? or on FaceBook at


After posting this I was asked if I would share the rest of the story.  Here is the link for the rest of the story

Monday, April 25, 2011

Why I said, "YES" ... to witness the rescue of 33 miners

As I ponder all of the times I have said, "YES!" to things in my life, the "why I said yes," always leads to the same answer: "...because my heart told me so." Reflecting on this I am reminded that this is where the richest moments, the richest memories reside. The times I felt something stirring in my heart that led me to a moment of saying, "YES!"

This was a simple moment of saying yes that led to a deeper reason for my life.

Maybe some of you remember the real life story about the Chilean mine workers who were trapped underground from August 4-October 13, 2010. Seventy days trapped in an underground mine.

I found out about the story near the end of the ordeal, right before they were rescued. I read about it one morning on Huffington Post as I was sitting in my local coffee shop. There was something about a community of men surviving together that drew me into the story and I read and watched everything I could about it for several days.

Here are a few brief details in case you didn't see it.

On Aug 5, a mine collapsed with 33 miners trapped inside.

On Aug 22, a 6 inch hole was drilled and reached the miners. It took 17 days to drill that hole and it was discovered that all 33 were alive.

Two more holes were drilled. These became the lifelines for delivering supplies, communication and fresh air.

If you want more details leading up to the rescue, here is a link to one Huff Post article from Aug 2010. Chile Mine Collapse Article

As I said earlier, I discovered the information about the mine collapsing a few days before they were rescued.

I read details every day and added the men and their families to my prayer list. On the day the rescue began, I was working on the computer searching for more information.  The four-meter long “Phoenix” capsule painted in the red, white and blue colors of the Chilean flag was beginning to hoist the 33 miners to the surface through a 26-inch wide hole. It was estimated it would take about one hour to rescue each man. That meant it would span over two days.

I discovered a Live streaming Ustream channel with camera shots underground and above ground. I held my breath and watched as the first man was rescued. Connected with the on-line community we all chatted words of support for the miners. Posting our prayers and counting the last few seconds, then cheers and html code that appeared as hearts and celebratory exclamations of joy!

I knew in that moment I had to witness the rescue and to hold a space in prayer and community.  I felt a strong inner yes to clear my schedule and join the on-line community that was already holding a vigil for this. On Ustream Live, I witnessed the rescue and I also witnessed a group of people who were strangers before the event. Many of them stayed awake all night.

There were moments when the rescue went smoothly, one man steadily raised to the surface after another. Then, there was a short period of time when it looked like there would be a delay which could mean days, weeks or longer.  We huddled together online holding virtual hands in times of concern and offering virtual cups of coffee and donuts in moments of celebration.

I found out later it was estimated that one billion people watched the rescue. I wondered how many had joined together and created new tribes like the group of people on Ustream.


The story popped back into my mind yesterday on Easter morning.

Whether you celebrate Easter or not, it is a symbol for the experience I had been watching during the rescue of the miners. Another reflection of support and witnessing...

It is written that after the Last Supper, Jesus took the disciples and went to the garden at Gethsemane to pray. He asked three of the disciples, Peter, James and John to stay awake and keep watch. He knew that the betrayer Judas would soon be upon them. But the disciples were tired and could not stay awake. Three times Jesus left to pray and he returned to find the disciples sleeping. By falling asleep, the disciples also betrayed Jesus.

The rescue of the miners and staying awake. The betrayal of Jesus by falling asleep.

In this time of great change on the planet, my inner "yes" is telling me I am ready to stay awake with you. I am ready to wake up to new ideas and new solutions to make a difference.

The inner, "Yes" I felt to stay awake and hold watch for the miners has carried into my life in a deeper way/. I am waking up to ways that I can share my unique gifts, to join in collaborative community, and to find inner peace within to reflect it out to the world.

I will stay awake with you. Will you stay awake with me?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why I said, "YES" become a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking

I never had an aspiration to be a minister. And even though I am ordained now, it still sounds strange to say the word minister. I know it is the essence of who I am, but I wonder about the word. 

Although I have always had a deep sense of spirituality and have attended a variety of churches and explored different religions, the image of what I thought an ordained minister would be didn't seem to fit with me. It was as far from my thoughts as becoming a baseball player or a ballerina. I had an appreciation of the profession, but it wasn’t a path I felt  “called” to explore.

In 2005, my husband died and I became a grieving widow who was healing and picking up the pieces. Six months later, I found myself saying, “YES!” to studying a spiritual peacemaking ministry program.

It was the dead of winter in Baltimore, Maryland. I was regularly waking up at 3 am with a strong desire to study…something. For two months, I woke up at this early hour, lit a variety of candles of a different sizes and shapes on the mantle over the fireplace. I sat in meditation and began to study for 2-3 hours. I read a variety of books, underlined words, sentences and paragraphs with a highlighter marker and took notes in a journal. I read books about fairies in the garden, animal spirits, shamanism, Huna rituals from Hawaii, the Course in Miracles, conscious evolution and a variety of hands on healing modalities. Some of the books had been a part of my life for twenty years and others were an exploration of something new.

I felt like I was back in college. My soul was craving something. The feeling was so intense I felt like I was starving and would die if I didn't wake up and study. The internal pull towards this became my Yes! One day at a time, I rolled out of bed, heated water for tea, started a fire, lit the candles, read and studied. Every morning I felt my thirst was quenched until the next morning when I was pulled into this again.

One morning I woke up at 2am, with an urgency to study a deeper spiritual program. I felt like I was shot out of a canon with the feeling of "Do it now!" I felt guided to get on the internet and search for a program to study; Jean Houston, Sonia Choquette, Barbara Marx Hubbard and a variety of mystery schools. I finally found James Twyman's Beloved Community Ministry Program. I had participated in peace programs with James for ten years. The energy and aliveness was surging through me. The Beloved Community program was shifting from a two-year program with a master's degree to a three month intensive.

I was ready. The discipline was instilled in me from two months of preparation. I continued waking up early, and studied the assignments.

After 11 weeks, I completed the program and registered for the retreat where I would be ordained as a Minister of Spiritual Peacemaking. I had not consciously chosen the path of ministry. I was a widow with a broken heart. My heart was cracked wide open and ready to receive an inner guidance.

In my grieving, the path had chosen me.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why I said, "YES" ziplining in Jamaica

Saying, "YES! led me to an experience of freedom. 
My husband Hurley was a born explorer and adventurer. He was a skydiving jump master, a falconer and a lover of roller coasters. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he was in the process of building an ultra-light airplane. He planned on learning to fly it when it was finished. He died 10 months later with a few more adventures in the works.
My idea of adventure is long distance road trips, museums, nature walks, the ferris wheel, the merry-go-round and walks on the beach.  

A year after my husband's death, a friend invited me to go on a Shaklee bonus cruise to Jamaica and Cancun and the Bahamas. Betsy and I both love to travel and this was an incredible gift. When we arrived on the ship, Betsy and I were looking at the off shore excursion choices. We both jumped at the idea of going to the Mayan ruins and temples, shopping and lunch in the Bahamas and a variety of spa treatments on the days at sea. Then, Betsy found something she had always wanted to do, ziplining above the canopy of trees in Jamaica. Although not as extreme as skydiving, I could feel the palms of my hands begin to sweat and my stomach doing a flip flop. I wasn't sure if I could do this because of the heights, but with Betsy's eagerness and the thought of my deceased husband, Hurley, I decided to go for it. I felt into the, "YES!" rising up from my heart.
When my husband died, I didn't feel survivor's guilt for being the person who continued to live. But, I did feel a responsibility to live life fully, to add adventures to my life that he would never have the chance to do. I felt inspired to appreciate waking up and living each day.
In Jamaica, we were transported by bus to a location with zipline guides, and equipment. As I suited up in the harness and helmet, I felt my husband's spirit strapped in with me. Standing on the edge of the cliff, with the guide giving me words of encouragement and explaining how safe I was while connecting me to the zipline, I took a minute to close my eyes and feel the connection with my husband in my heart. "Okay, Hurley, let's go. This one's for you!"
I jumped off the cliff to fly over the first riverbed releasing a scream of nervousness and excitement and joy. For the next 45 minutes, we moved along the zipline landing on one platform after another. On the last zipline run, the longest one in the series of leaps, the entire line was above the tops of the trees. One of my passions is watching birds fly and soar. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was a bird flying over the tree tops.  
I wanted it to go on forever. My heart soared as I felt gratitude to have had the experience. Between the eagerness of Betsy and the inspiration to live life fully, I had experienced one of the most powerful, fun moments of freedom in my lifetime.   
Someday I will do it again for the pure joy of the adventure and the gratitude for being alive. I will not waste one moment of the precious time I have here. I will embrace it all and live a life worth celebrating. I say, "YES!" to life...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Why I said, "YES" ...

Last week, I created my first SoundCloud audio. I called it, "Why I said, "YES!" to the Awesome Women Hub. As the audio was shared on Facebook, the words, "Why I said, "YES!" activated something inside of me.

When I woke up this morning I was thinking about all of the times I listened to my heart and I said, "YES!" I am not talking about the kind of yes you say because you can't say no and don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Or the times you say, yes, because you think you have to or should or there is this heavy obligation.

I am talking about the, "YES!" that stirs your heart, that resonates with the core of who you are, that encourages you to take a step and explore it, that leads you to something even though you don't know what will emerge.

I have experienced that, "YES!" as a slow rumble that grows, a little whisper, a wave of knowing, an internal high five, a shiver through my body, an out loud command, a billboard on the side of the highway, a flip flop of joy from my heart and even a feeling of, "I will die if I do not say, YES!" to this."

What does your "YES" sound like? Share in the comments and if you want to write a blog, I would love guest bloggers who will share their YES! with all of us. Send me an e-mail.

What door opened for you when you said, "YES!"? What unexpected experiences arrived? What newness emerged from you?

Click for more information on the: Awesome Women Hub Tour

Click to Listen to SoundCloud: Why I said, "YES! to Awesome Women Hub Tour